Journal Advisors

Meredith Lee
Dean, Division of Undergraduate Education

Said M. Shokair
Director, UROP

UROP Faculty Advisory Board

Professor Peter Ditto
Professor Donald Hoffman
Professor John LaRue
Professor Richard Lathrop
Professor Hartmut Luecke
Professor Robert Moeller
Professor James Nowick
Professor James Penrod
Professor Richard Robertson

UROP Student Editorial Board

Courtney Baird
Lauren Brothers
Lorrel Brown
Jason Lee Hebard
Jemie Sae Koo
Irene Tang
Maggie Walser

UROP Journal Assistants

Ann Kalayil Abrams, Events & Publications
Matt Hauske, Advising & Publications
Megan Nowell Kaufman, Publications & Web

~Letter from the UROP Student Editorial Board~

You hold in your hands the product of months of hard work and dedication on the part of both the intelligent and enthusiastic student authors who submitted their work and the committed faculty mentors who guided them throughout the process. In selecting the papers that are found in this volume of The UCI Undergraduate Research Journal, we examined all aspects of each submission, from the quality of the writing to the integrity of the research to the originality of the ideas. It seems that every year the quality of the submissions continues to rise, which in turn increases the excitement and pride we feel when we see the final product come to fruition. We feel that the quality and variety of work presented in this volume reflect the commitment to academic excellence at UCI. It is our hope that the projects contained herein will encourage other students to undertake their own research projects and creative activities, which will continue to demonstrate the reach of UCI’s students and to hint at the greatness they may one day achieve.


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