Journal Advisors


Meredith Lee
Dean, Division of Undergraduate Education
Said M. Shokair
Director, UROP

UROP Faculty Advisory Board

Professor Donald Hoffman
Professor John LaRue
Professor Hartmut Luecke
Professor George Lueker
Professor Robert Moeller
Professor James Nowick
Professor James Penrod
Professor Richard Robertson
Professor Roxane Cohen Silver

UROP Student Editorial Board

Michael Cohen
Jeff Ehmsen
Raj Gopalakrishnan
Rebecca Kanter
Catharine Larsen
Julianne Ohlander
Kirk Pak
Gina Rappleye

UROP Student Production Staff

Saquib Rashid, Hard Copy Layout
Henry Yan, Web Layout and Front Cover Design


~Letter from the UROP Student Editorial Board~

The second volume of The UCI Undergraduate Research Journal began with a small group of students. We brainstormed, discussed, and edited; we laughed, shared, and became friends. We all strongly believe that research is the best way to figure out whether a topic that seems interesting in a class can blossom into a career, can sustain the desire for lifelong learning. In some ways, the many hours we put into the UCI Undergraduate Research Journal mirror the undergraduate research experience. Place a group of people together who are genuinely excited about what they are doing, and they will emerge not only with greater scholarly knowledge but also with a better understanding of themselves. This growth stems from constant questioning. New questions spring from each answered question just as when each level of accomplishment is reached, other areas open for investigation. Our formula for success, for happiness, is to seek out the field that most stimulates interest. We are proud of our role in showcasing the outstanding caliber of undergraduate research fostered by the University of California at Irvine.

Meredith Lee
Dean, Division of Undergraduate Education
Said M. Shokair
Director, UROP


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